Thursday, 13 May 2010

eradicating mice the humane way

Last summer it turned out that my brother and sister in law, in London, were faced with a similar situation to us, in Brighton, when we discovered we had mice in the garden, far too near to the house.

Like them I went and bought the little humane traps that close behind them as they reach and taste the cheese bait. Like them we caught a beautiful tiny mouse in our trap and then wondered what to do with it. Slightly freaked out I sent my husband off to let it go on a piece of spare land near us and then agonized with thoughts about what havoc it might reap there, so a following mouse was blipped with poison I’m sorry to say.

However, my brother and sister in law decided to take their captured mouse for a walk. It’s one they do regularly, along the canal and they planned to let it go there. I don’t know how the walk went but when they got to their designated place they put the trap down, opened the flap and watched the little mouse poke it’s head out, look at them and then start running.

To their amazement the mouse ran straight for the canal and plopped straight into the water and started to swim across. They watched it as it swam away, the small furrow of water following it. From nowhere, down swooped some seagulls, one grabbing the mouse out of the water and the others fighting for it as they all flew off. You can’t help feeling sorry for the little mouse and it’s certainly made us all think again about how to get rid of the mouse in the house.

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